Armorial Posy, oak, steel 72x22x14
Daisychain XII, oak, found objects
Daisychain XIV, oak, found objects
Daisychain XV, oak, found objects
Daisychain XVI, oak, steel 156x16x17
Drink Me II oak, found objects
Drink Me IV, oak, stainless steel 126x48x15
Fork of the Medusa III, oak, found object
Fork of the Medusa IV 2006 oak, steel
Fork of the Medusa V, oak, found object
Forknot IX 2007 oak, steel
Forknot V, oak, found object
Forknot VI, oak, steel 45x55x20
Fountainhead II, oak and steel
History of the World I 2011 oak, steel
History of the World II 2011 oak, steel
History of the World III 2011 oak, steel
History of the World IV, oak and steel 87x69x24cms
History of the World V 2011 oak, steel
Landmine III, 2010 oak, steel
Lovers’ Tryst III ash, found objects, oil paint
Medusa III, oak
Noguchi’s Spades I, oak
Posy II, oak, steel, aluminium
Posy IV, oak and steel 75x33x34cms
Posy VI, oak and steel
Posy VII 2008 oak, steel
Quatrefeuille II, oak and steel 102x49x14cms
Reuben’s Fork I, oak, found object
Reuben’s Fork II, 2010 oak, steel
Saraqael, oak and steel 133x15x14cms
Spadeknot IV, oak, found object, oil paint
Spadeknot VIII, oak, stainless steel 66x26x21
Spinaxe II, oak, found objects, oil paint
Spirit of the Broom oak, steel, oil paint 252x51x25 cms
Sunnyside scissors I, oak, found objects
Toolskater XV, oak, found objects
Tree, oak and steel 133x15x14cms
Ziggurat I, oak, found objects
Ziggurat II, oak and steel